Australian man: "Oh man... Sandwiches with vegemite again. If I get this one more time, I'm jumping down from this building!"
Italian man: "Dam it... Spaghetti and meatballs again. If I get this one more time, I'm jumping down with you, my friend!"
Irishman: "Far out... Irish stew again. I'm also jumping down if I get this one more time!"
The next day, at the same spot, the men opened their lunchboxes.
Australian man: "Goodbye my friends. I'm jumping down now as I got sandwiches with vegemite again!"
Italian man: "Oh no, spaghetti and meatballs again! I have to depart now! Goodbye!"
Irishman: "(Groan) I'm joining the other two men as I got Irish stew again!"
(Down they go)
At the mens' funeral, the men's wives were talking to each other about them.
Australian woman: "I thought sandwiches with vegemite was his favourite, no wonder I always make it for him."
Italian woman: "If he didn't like spaghetti and meatballs, he should've told me, and I can make him something else."
They turned to the Irish woman who said, "Don't look at me. He is the one who makes his own lunch."
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