During their break from work, four surgeons were sitting around discussing who they like to operate on.
The first surgeon said, "I like operating on librarians. When you open them up everything is in alphabetical order".
The second surgeon said, "I like operating on accountants. When you open them up everything is in numerical order".
The third surgeon said, "I like operating on electricians. When you open them up everything is color coded.
The fourth surgeon said, "I like operating on lawyers."
The other three surgeons looked at each other in disbelief. One of them asked why.
The fourth surgeon replied, "Because they are heartless, gutless, spineless, and their butt and head are interchangeable".
Welcome to the official website of Mick "The Joker". His website will get everyone laughing. Also be sure to check out my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/mickthejokester/
Monday, June 23, 2008
Who do I like to operate on?
Friday, June 20, 2008
Lawyer Jokes Part 1

A good start!
What's the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead lawyer in the road?
There are skid marks in front of the dog.
Why won't sharks attack lawyers?
Professional courtesy.
What do you have when a lawyer is buried up to his neck in sand?
Not enough sand.
How do you get a lawyer out of a tree?
Cut the rope.
Do you know how to save a drowning laywer?
1.Take your foot off his head.
2.No Good!
What is the definition of a shame (as in "that's a shame")?
When a busload of lawyers goes off a cliff.
What is the definition of a "crying shame"?
There was an empty seat.
What do you get when you cross the Godfather with a lawyer?
An offer you can't understand.
Why is it that many lawyers have broken noses?
From chasing parked ambulances.
Where can you find a good lawyer?
In the cemetery
What's the difference between a lawyer and a gigolo?
A gigolo only screws one person at a time.
What's the difference between a lawyer and a vampire?
A vampire only sucks blood at night.
Why to lawyers wear neckties?
To keep the foreskin from crawling up their chins.
What is the difference between a lawyer and a rooster?
When a rooster wakes up in the morning, its primal urge is to cluck defiance.
If you see a lawyer on a bicycle, why don't you swerve to hit him?
It might be your bicycle.
What's black and brown and looks good on a lawyer?
A Doberman pinscher.
What happens when you cross a pig with a lawyer?
Nothing. There are some things a pig won't do.
Why should lawyers wear lots of sunscreen when vacationing at a beach resort?
Because they're used to doing all of their lying indoors.
What do you get if you put 100 lawyers in your basement ?
Wine cellar.
Why is an avocado like a lawyer? (both are "avocat" in French)
Both have hearts like stones.
What's the difference between a lawyer and a poisonous snake?
You can make a pet out of the snake.
What's the difference between a lawyer and a tick?
A tick drops off you when you die.
What do lawyers and bullfrogs have in common?
Both have a big head that consists mostly of mouth.
What's the difference between a porcupine and a Porsche with two lawyers riding in it?
A porcupine has pricks on the outside.
Why is it dangerous for a lawyer to walk onto a construction site when plumbers are working?
Because they might connect the drain line to the wrong suer.
What do you have if three lawyers are buried up to their necks in cement?
Not enough cement.
What do you get when you cross a lawyer with a demon from hell?
Another lawyer.
How many lawyers does it take to change a lightbulb?
Two. One to change it, and one to kick the stool out from under him.
How many lawyers does it take to change a light bulb?
How many can you afford?
What is the difference between a vulture and a lawyer?
The vulture eventually lets go.
What is the difference between a vulture and a lawyer?
The vulture doesn't get Frequent Flyer Miles.
What do you get when you cross the Godfather with a lawyer?
An offer you can't understand.
Why do they bury lawyers under 20 feet of dirt?
Because deep down, they're really good people.
What does a lawyer use for birth-control?
His personality.
Why are lawyers like nuclear weapons?
If one side has one, the other side has to get one. Once launched during a campaign, they can rarely be recalled. And when they land, they screw up everything forever.
Lawyer Jokes Part 2

St. Peter replied, "Well, I've added up all the hours for which you billed your clients, and by my calculation you must be about 193 years old!"
A Dublin lawyer died in poverty and many barristers of the city sub- scribed to a fund for his funeral. The Lord Chief Justice of Orbury was asked to donate a shilling. "Only a shilling?" said the Justice, "Only a shilling to bury an attorney? Here's a guinea; go and bury 20 more of them."
A lawyer and a physician had a dispute over precedence. They referred it to Diogenes, who gave it in favor of the lawyer as follows: "Let the thief go first, and the executioner follow."
A man went to a brain store to get some brain for dinner. He sees a sign remarking on the quality of professional brain offered at this particular brain store. So he asks the butcher: "How much for Engineer brain?" "3 dollars an ounce." "How much for [other generic profession] brain?" "4 dollars an ounce." "How much for lawyer brain?" "100 dollars an ounce." "Why is lawyer brain so much more?" "Do you know how many lawyers you need to kill to get one ounce of brain?"
A grade school teacher was asking students what their parents did for a living. "Tim, you be first," she said. "What does your mother do all day?" Tim stood up and proudly said, "She's a doctor."
"That's wonderful. How about you, Amie?"
Amie shyly stood up, scuffed her feet and said, "My father is a mailman."
"Thank you, Amie," said the teacher. "What about your father, Billy?"
Billy proudly stood up and announced, "My daddy plays piano in a whorehouse."
The teacher was aghast and promptly changed the subject to geography. Later that day she went to Billy's house and rang the bell. Billy's father answered the door. The teacher explained what his son had said and demanded an explanation.
Billy's father said, "I'm actually an attorney. How can I explain a thing like that to a seven-year-old?"
The Pope and a lawyer find themselves together before the Pearly Gates. After a small quantum of time which was spent discussing their respective professions, ol' St. Peter shows up to usher them to their new Heavenly station. After passing out wings, harps, halos and such, St. Pete decides to show them to their new lodgings. Only a brief flight from the welcome, Pete brings them down on the front lawn (cloud-encrusted, natch) of a huge palatial estate with all sorts of lavish trappings. This, Pete announces, is where the lawyer will be spending eternity, (at least until the end of time..) "Hot Dang", the Pope says to His-self, "If he's getting a place like this, I can hardly wait to see my digs!". They take flight once again, and as Pete leads on, the landscape below begins to appear more and more mundane until they finally land on a street lined with Brownstone houses. Pete indicates the third walkup on the left as the Popes new domicile and turns to leave, wishing the pontiff his best. The Pope, in a mild state of astonishment, cries out "Hey Pete! What's the deal here? You put that lawyer-feller in a beautiful estate home and I, spiritual leader of terra-firma, end up with this dive?"
Pete looks at the pontiff amusedly and replys: "Look here old fellow, this street is practically encrusted with spiritual leaders from many times and religions. We're putting you here with them so you guys can get your dogma together. That other guy gets an estate, because he's the first (non-)damned lawyer to make it up here!!"
A truck driver used to amuse himself by running over lawyers he would see walking down the side of the road. Every time he would see a lawyer walking along the road, he would swerve to hit him, and there would be a loud "THUMP" and then he would swerve back on the road. This pasttime was immensely enjoyable to the truck driver.
One day, as the truck driver was driving along, he saw a priest hitch hiking, so he thought he would do a good turn by offering the priest a lift. So he pulled the truck over and asked the priest, "Where are you going, Father?"
"I'm going to the church 5 miles down the road!" replied the priest.
"No problem, Father! I'll give you a lift. Climb in the truck." With that, the happy priest climbed into the passenger seat, and the truck driver continued down the road.
Suddenly the truck driver saw a lawyer walking down the road, and instinctively he swerved to hit him. But then he remembered there was a priest in the truck with him, so at the last minute he swerved back to the road, narrowly missing the lawyer. However, even though he was certain he missed the lawyer, he still heard a loud "THUD".
Not understanding where the noise came from he glanced in his mirrors, and when he didn't see anything, he turned to the priest and said, "I'm sorry, Father. I almost hit that lawyer."
"That's okay," replied the priest. "I got him with the door!"
The defendant who pleads their own case has a fool for a client, but at least there will be no problem with fee-splitting.
A man took a trip out West after a harrowing divorce proceeding. He stopped in a bar, and after a few drinks stated to no one in particular, "Lawyers are horses' asses." Hearing this, one of the locals spoke up: "Mister, watch what you say. You're in horse country."
Cindy asked an old friend to go out for a drink with her after work.
"I don't understand," Cindy complained. "When people find out I'm a lawyer, they take an instant dislike to me. Why would they do that?"
Her friend appeared to think for a moment and then suggested, "Maybe it just saves time."
Two lawyers were walking along negotiating a case.
"Look," said one to the other, "let's be honest with each other."
"Okay, you first," replied the other.
That was the end of the discussion.
An airliner was having engine trouble, and the pilot instructed the cabin crew to have the passengers take their seats and get prepared for an emergency landing. A few minutes later, the pilot asked the flight attendants if everyone was buckled in and ready.
"All set back here, Captain," came the reply, "except one lawyer who is still going around passing out business cards."
As a lawyer slowly came out of the anesthesia after surgery, he said, "Why are all the blinds drawn, doctor?"
"There's a big fire across the street," the doctor replied. "We didn't want you to think the operation was a failure."
"Your Honor, in the first place, as they say, I am going to say it. I was going to say what you said and the reason I am going to say it, is not because you just said it. If you had not said it, I was going to say it first."
You have just witnessed a lawyer speaking to a judge.
A red-faced judge convened court after a long lunch. The first case involved a man charged with drunk driving who claimed it simply wasn't true.
"I'm as sober as you are, your honor," the man claimed.
The judge replied, "Clerk, please enter a guilty plea. The defendant is sentenced to 30 days."
The judicial process is like a cow.
The public is impaled on its horns, the government has it by the tail, and all the while the lawyers are milking it.
The reason law schools have been described as "a place for the accumulation of learning" is that first-year students bring some in, third-year students take none out--and so knowledge accumulates.
Lawyers and computers have both been proliferating since 1970.
Unfortunately, lawyers, unlike computers, have not gotten twice as smart and half as expensive every 18 months.
Lawyer Jokes Part 3

"I took one look at those shifty eyes and that sleazy polyester suit and I new that he was guilty as sin."
"Sit down," said the judge. "That is the prosecuting attorney."
A lawyer was filling out a job application when he came to the question: "Have you ever been arrested?" He answered "no."
The next question, intended for those who answered the preceding question 'yes', was "why?".
Nevertheless, the lawyer answered it "Never got caught."
If a lawyer and an IRS agent were both drowning, and you could only save one of them, would you go to lunch or read the paper?
Person 1: I'm beginning to think that my lawyer is too interested in making money.
Person 2: Why do you say that?
Person 1: Listen to this from his bill: 'For waking up at night and thinking about your case: $25.00'.
Some American academics, discussing the Six Day War with an Israeli general, were keen to understand why it had ended so quickly.
"Well," said the general, "we had a crack regiment at the most sensitive front. It was a special reserve unit made up of lawyers and accountants. When the time came we ordered them to charge--and boy, did they know how to charge."
A blind rabbit and a blind snake ran into each other on the road one day. The snake reached out, touched the rabbit and said, "you're soft and fuzzy and have floppy ears. You must be a rabbit."
The rabbit reached out, touched the snake and said "you're slimy, beady-eyed and low to the ground. You must be a lawyer."
A lawyer and a physician had a dispute over precedence. They referred it to Diogenes, who decided in favor of the lawyer as follows: "Let the thief go first, and the executioner follow."
God decided to take Satan to court and settle their differences once and for all.
When Satan heard this, he laughed and said, "And where do you think YOU'RE going to find a lawyer?"
Santa Claus, the tooth fairy, an honest lawyer and an old drunk are walking down the street together when they simultaneously spot a hundred dollar bill. Who gets it?
The old drunk, of course, the other three are mythological creatures.
At a convention of biological scientists one researcher remarks to another,"Did you know that in our lab we have switched from mice to lawyers for our experiments?"
"Really?" the other replied, "Why did you switch?"
"Well, for three reasons. First, we found that lawyers are far more plentiful; second, the lab assistants don't get so attached to them; and third, there are some things even a rat won't do. However, sometimes it very hard to extrapolate our test results to human beings."
When a lawyer tells his clients he has a sliding fee schedule what he means is that after he bills you it's financially hard to get back on your feet.
It was so cold last winter that I saw a lawyer with his hands in his own pockets.
A man walked into a bar with his alligator and asked the bartender, "Do you serve lawyers here?
"Sure do," replied the bartender.
"Good," said the man. "Give me a beer, and I'll have a lawyer for my 'gator."
In a cartoon showing two people fighting over a cow - one person was pulling the cow by the tail; the other was pulling on the horns.
Underneath was a lawyer milking the cow.
If you laid all of the lawyers in the world, end to end, on the equator ---- It would be a good idea to just leave them there.
A countryman between two lawyers is like a fish between two cats. ...Benjamin Franklin.
An anxious woman goes to her doctor.
"Doctor," she asks nervously, "can you get pregnant from anal intercourse?"
"Certainly," replies the doctor, "Where do you think lawyers come from?"
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Mick The Joker's Animal Jokes Part 1
What has four legs and an arm?
A happy pit bull.
Why is a tree like a dog?
Because they both lose their bark when they die.
Did you hear about the cowboy who got himself a dachshund?
Everyone kept telling him to get a long, little doggie.
What is the difference between a rottweiler and a social worker?
It is easier to get your kids back from a rotweiler!
Did you hear about the new breed in pet shops?
They crossed a pit bull with a collie; it bites your leg off and goes for help.
How do you know if there is an elephant under the bed?
Your nose is touching the ceiling.
What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhinoceros?
What do you get when you cross an elephant with a kangaroo?
Holes all over Australia.
What do you get if you cross an elephant with a whale?
A submarine with a built-in snorkel.
Why did the elephant cross the road?
Chicken's day off.
Why do elephants have trunks?
Because they would look silly with glove compartments.
Why do elephants drink so much?
To try to forget.
How can you tell if an elephant is getting ready to charge?
He pull out his Diners' Club card.
What do you get when two giraffes collide?
A giraffic jam.
Why did the lion spit out the clown?
Because he tasted funny.
Why dd the skeleton run up the tree?
Because a dog was after its bones.
A happy pit bull.
Why is a tree like a dog?
Because they both lose their bark when they die.
Did you hear about the cowboy who got himself a dachshund?
Everyone kept telling him to get a long, little doggie.
What is the difference between a rottweiler and a social worker?
It is easier to get your kids back from a rotweiler!
Did you hear about the new breed in pet shops?
They crossed a pit bull with a collie; it bites your leg off and goes for help.
How do you know if there is an elephant under the bed?
Your nose is touching the ceiling.
What do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhinoceros?
What do you get when you cross an elephant with a kangaroo?
Holes all over Australia.
What do you get if you cross an elephant with a whale?
A submarine with a built-in snorkel.
Why did the elephant cross the road?
Chicken's day off.
Why do elephants have trunks?
Because they would look silly with glove compartments.
Why do elephants drink so much?
To try to forget.
How can you tell if an elephant is getting ready to charge?
He pull out his Diners' Club card.
What do you get when two giraffes collide?
A giraffic jam.
Why did the lion spit out the clown?
Because he tasted funny.
Why dd the skeleton run up the tree?
Because a dog was after its bones.
Mick The Joker's Animal Jokes Part 2
Why do hummingbirds hum?
Because they don't know the words.
Where does a blackbird go for a drink?
To a crow bar.
Why was the crow perched on a telephone wire?
He was going to make a long-distance caw.
What did the chick say when it saw an orange in the nest?
Look at the orange mama laid.
Is it good manners to eat fried chicken with your fingers?
No, you should eat your fingers separately.
Why do hens lay eggs?
If they dropped them, they'd break.
Why do seagulls live near the sea?
Because if they lived near the bay, they would be called bagels.
Diner: Do you serve chicken here?
Waiter: Sit down, sir. We serve anyone.
Diner: I can't eat this chicken. Call the manager.
Waiter: It's no use. He can't eat it either.
Which side of a chicken has the most feathers?
The outside.
What do you get when you cross a parrot with a centipede?
A walkie-talkie, of course.
Have you heard of that disease that you get from kissing birds?
Chirpes. It's one of those canarial diseases. I hear it's untweetable.
Why don't they play poker in the jungle?
Too many cheetahs.
What is the difference between a cat and a comma?
One has the paws before the claws and the other has the clause before the pause.
Where do dogs go when they lose their tails?
To the retail store.
What kind of dog tells time?
A watch dog.
What animals can jump higher than the Sydney Harbour Bridge?
All the animals can, because the Sydney Harbour Bridge can't jump.
What do you call a duck with fangs?
Count Quackula.
Because they don't know the words.
Where does a blackbird go for a drink?
To a crow bar.
Why was the crow perched on a telephone wire?
He was going to make a long-distance caw.
What did the chick say when it saw an orange in the nest?
Look at the orange mama laid.
Is it good manners to eat fried chicken with your fingers?
No, you should eat your fingers separately.
Why do hens lay eggs?
If they dropped them, they'd break.
Why do seagulls live near the sea?
Because if they lived near the bay, they would be called bagels.
Diner: Do you serve chicken here?
Waiter: Sit down, sir. We serve anyone.
Diner: I can't eat this chicken. Call the manager.
Waiter: It's no use. He can't eat it either.
Which side of a chicken has the most feathers?
The outside.
What do you get when you cross a parrot with a centipede?
A walkie-talkie, of course.
Have you heard of that disease that you get from kissing birds?
Chirpes. It's one of those canarial diseases. I hear it's untweetable.
Why don't they play poker in the jungle?
Too many cheetahs.
What is the difference between a cat and a comma?
One has the paws before the claws and the other has the clause before the pause.
Where do dogs go when they lose their tails?
To the retail store.
What kind of dog tells time?
A watch dog.
What animals can jump higher than the Sydney Harbour Bridge?
All the animals can, because the Sydney Harbour Bridge can't jump.
What do you call a duck with fangs?
Count Quackula.
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