Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Sports Jokes Part I

Why did the golfers run away from the golf game?
Because there was a Tiger (Tiger Woods) in the lead!

Why did Tarzan get kicked out of the golf game?
Because he screamed with every swing!

What does Tarzan like at a golf course?
He is there to perfect his swing!

Why can’t you play sports in the jungle?
Because there are Cheetahs!

Why are basketball players bad at eating?
They always dribble!

Why does a golfer bring an extra pair of pants to a golf game?
In case he gets a ‘hole-in-one’!

Why was Cinderella such a bad sportswoman?
Her coach was a pumpkin!

What’s the difference between a dog and a basketball player?
One drools, the other dribbles!

Why did the girls’ soccer team dump Cinderella?
She ran away from the ball!

Why aren't the Socceroos allowed to own a dog?
Because they can't hold on to a lead!

Where is the first tennis match mentioned in the Bible?
When Joseph served in Pharaoh's court.

Why are fish never good Tennis players?
They don't like getting close to the net.

How did the basketball court get wet?
The players dribbled all over it!

Why did the chicken get sent off?
For persistent fowl play!

Why should you be careful playing against a team of big cats?
They might be cheetahs!

Where do religious school children practice sports?
In the prayground!

Why were the two managers sitting around sketching crockery before the start of the game?
It was a cup draw!

Where do football directors go when they are fed up?
The bored room!

Why was the struggling mange seen shaking the club cat?
To see if there was any more money in the kitty!

Manager: Our new midfielder cost ten million. I call him our wonder player
Fan: Why's that?
Manager: Everytime he plays I wonder why I bothered to buy him!

Why do artists never when they play football?
They keep drawing!

Why do managers bring suitcases along to away games?
So that they can pack the defence!

Where do old bowling balls end up?
In the gutter!

Manager: I thought I told you to lose weight. What happened to your three week diet?
Player: I finished it in three days!

What part of a football pitch smells nicest?
The scenter spot!

What's the chilliest ground in the premiership?
Cold Trafford!

How did the footbal pitch end up as triangle?
Somebody took a corner!

Why didn't the dog want to play football?
It was a boxer!

What did they call Dracula when he won the league?
The champire!

Which England player keeps up the fuel supply?
Paul gas coin!

Manager: I'll give you fifty pounds a week to start with and a hundred pounds a week in a year's time?
Young player: OK, I'll come back in a year's time!

Manager: Twenty teams in the league and you lot finish bottom?
Captain: Well, it could have been worse.
Manager: How?
Captain: There could have been more teams in the league!
What did the footballer say when he accidentally burped during a game?
Sorry, it was a freak hic! (free kick)

Why are football grounds odd?
Because you can sit in the stands but can't stand in the sits!

What do you get if you drop a piano on a team's defence?
A flat back four!

Why did the goal post get angry?
Because the bar was rattled!

What is the bank manager's favourite type of football?
Fiver side!

What part of a football ground is never the same?
The changing rooms!

What should a football team do if the pitch is flooded?
Bring on their subs!

Our team is doing so badly that "Manager of the Month" isn't an award.
It's an appointment!

Did you hear about the football team who ate too much pudding?
They got jellygated!

Which insect didn't play well in goal?
The fumble bee!

What did the bumble bee striker say?
Hive scored!

What is black and white and black and white and black and white?
A Collingwood fan rolling down a hill!

What are Brazilian fans called?
Brazil nuts!

Why did a footballer take a piece of rope onto the pitch?
He was the skipper!

How do hens encourage their football teams?
They egg them on!

What lights up a football stadium?
A football match!

If you have a referee in football, what do you have in bowls?

Why aren't football stadiums built in outer space?
Because there is no atmosphere!

Where do spiders play their FA Cup final?
Webley stadium!

When fish play football, who is the captain?
The team's kipper!

Ref: I'm sending you off
Player: What for?
Ref: The rest of the match!

Why is it that birds are quickly sold when they come up on the transfer market?
They tend to go cheep!

What is a goal keepers favourite snack?
Beans on post!

How do you stop squirrels playing football in the garden?
Hide the ball, it drives them nuts!

What's tennis players favourite city?
Volley wood!

How does a physicist exercise?
By pumping ion!

Why does someone who runs marathons make a good student?
Because education pays off in the long run!

What is a runner's favourite subject in school?

What does Paul Inces mum make for Christmas?
Ince pies!

What does a footballer and a magician have in common?
Both do hat tricks!

Which football team loves ice-cream?
Aston Vanilla!

Which goal keeper can jump higher than a crossbar?
All of them, a crossbar can't jump!

Why do grasshoppers not go to many football matches?
They prefer cricket matches!

What stories are told by basketball players?
Tall stories!

Who won the race between two balls of string?
They we're tied!

Why are football players never asked for dinner?
Because they're always dribbling!

Why did the footballer hold his boot to his ear?
Because he liked sole music!

What tea do footballers drink?

Where do footballers dance?
At a football!

Sports Jokes Part 2

Its the first game of the Soccer World Cup, Brazil v Scotland.
Ronaldo says to his team mates 'this should be easy, you lot go down the pub and i will play them on my own'.
So all the others go down the pub and watch the game on the TV.
After 3 minutes ..GOAL.. its Brazil 1 Scotland 0...Ronaldo 3min.
They decide to switch off the TV and enjoy the drinking. After the game they switched back on to find the final score Brazil 1 Scotland 1. Ferguson had scored in the 89th minute.
'Not too bad' said the brazil team,' he has done really well by himself'.
10 minutes later Ronaldo walked into the pub and started to apologise. 'Not to worry you done really well by yourself' 'no no i really let u down' Ronaldo said. 'I got sent off after 12 minutes'.

One Sunday afternoon, a guy walks into a bar with his pet dog. The bartender said, "Sorry, pal. No pets allowed." The man replied, "This is a special dog. Turn on the West Coast Eagles game and you'll see." The bartender, anxious to see what will happen, turned on the game. The guy said, "Watch. Whenever the Eagles score, my dog does flips." The Eagles keep scoring goals (6 points) and the dog keeps flipping and jumping. "Wow! That's one hell of a dog you got there. What happens when the Eagless score a behind (1 point)?" asked the bartender. The man replied, "I don't know. I've only had him for seven years."

Three guys enter a disabled swimming contest. The first has no arms. The second no legs. And the third has no body, just a head.
They all line up, the whistle blows and "splash" they're all in the pool.
The guy with no arms takes the lead instantly but the guy with no legs is closing fast. The head of course sank straight to the bottom.
Ten lengths later and the guy with no legs finishes first. He can still see bubbles coming from the bottom of the pool, so he decides he had better dive down to rescue him.
He picks up the head, swims back up to the surface and places the head at the side of the pool, where-upon the head starts coughing and spluttering.
Eventually the head catches his breath and shouts: "Three years I've spent learning to swim with my freakin' ears, then two minutes before the whistle, some idiot puts a swimming cap on me!"

While out one morning in the park, a jogger found a brand new tennis ball, and seeing nobody around, he slipped it into the pocket of his shorts.
Later, on his way home, he stopped at a pedestrian crossing, waiting for the lights to change.
A girl standing next to him couldn't help but notice the large bulge.
"What's that?" she asked, pointing at his shorts.
"Tennis ball," came the breathless reply.
"Oh my gosh," said the girl sympathetically... ,that must be very painful . . . . I had tennis elbow once!"

Socceroos goalkeeper Mark Schwarzer was walking along a street one day when he heard screams from a nearby building. He looked up to see smoke billowing from a fourth-floor window and a woman leaning out holding a baby.
"Help ! Help!" screamed the woman, "I need someone to catch my baby!"
A crowd of onlookers had gathered, but none was confident about catching a baby dropped from such a great height. Then Schwarzer, stepped forward. "I'm the Number 1 goalie of the Socceroos," he called to the woman. "I'm renowned for my safe hands. Drop the baby and I will catch it. For me, it will be just like catching a ball."
The woman agreed. "Ok, then. When I drop my baby, treat it as if you were catching a ball."
On a count of three, the woman dropped the baby. Everyone held their breath as Mark Schwarzer lined himself up to catch it. There was a huge sigh of relief, followed by wild cheering as Schwarzer caught the baby safely in his arms. Then he bounced it twice on the ground and kicked it 50 yards down the street.

During Perth Glory's pre-season training, one of their strikers married one of the team's cheerleaders. The coach was a bit surprised and remarked to his star striker, "You are such a big, burley guy. Why in the world did you marry such a tiny, petite woman? She is no bigger than your hand."
"That's right, Coach," replied the striker. "But, she's much better!"

Alexander Potter was a sports fan whose face was always either buried in the sports pages or transfixed by the television screen.
One night as he lay in bed next to his wife watching a cricket match, she got up, walked across the room and unplugged the television set.
"Hey," Alex shouted, "what do you think you're doing? I am sick of sports, and I'm sick of TV," his wife replied. "You haven't touched me in months. We're going to talk about sex right now!"
"Okay, Okay. So..." After a moment, he asked, "How often do you think Ricky Ponting gets laid?"

A teacher asks her students if they're Essendon fans.
All of the hands go up except for one student. "Okay, Bobby. What team are you a fan of?"
"Collingwood" Bobby replies.
"Why's that?" asks the teacher.
"Well, my parents are both Collingwood fans, so I'm a Collingwood fan too." he reples.
"That's not a good answer, Bobby. If your parents were both morons, would you be a moron too?" the teacher asks.
Bobby replies, "No, that would make me an Essendon fan!"

It was a cold winter day. An old man walked out onto a frozen lake, cut a hole in the ice, dropped in his fishing line, and waited patiently for a bite. He was there for almost an hour, without even a nibble, when a young boy walked out onto the ice, cut a hole in the ice next to him. The young boy dropped his fishing line and minutes later he hooked a Largemouth Bass. The old man couldn't believe his eyes but chalked it up to plain luck. Shortly thereafter, the young boy pulled in another large catch. The young boy kept catching fish after fish.
Finally, the old man couldn't take it any longer. "Mate" he said, "I've been here for over an hour without even a nibble. You've been here only a few minutes and have caught a half dozen fish! How do you do it?"
The boy responded, "Roo raf roo reep ra rums rrarm."
"What was that?" the old man asked.
Again the boy responded, "Roo raf roo reep ra rums rarrm."
"I can't even understand what you are saying." says the old man.
"The boy replies, "You have to kepp the worms warm."

Who's the Mightiest of the Jungle?

The Lion was walking through the forest and saw a mouse come along. Asserting his dominance the Lion lets out a mighty roar and screams, "WHO'S THE KING OF ALL THE LAND?!"
The mouse cowers in fear and says, "You all mighty lion..."
The lion is pleased and says, "You may live."
Soon after a monkey comes walking, and the...(tharr be more) Lion again lets out a mighty roar, "WHO'S THE KING OF ALL THE LAND"
The monkey cries in fright, but manages to say, "You all mighty lion..."
The lion is pleased and says, "You may live."
Next an elephant comes walking along. The Lion puffs himself up and lets out a mighty roar and yells, "WHO'S THE KING OF ALL THE LAND."
The elephant grabs the lion with his trunk tosses him repeatedly in the air, bangs him against some trees. Tosses him against a rock, stomps on him and walks off.
The Lion looks at the elephant and says, "Just because you don't know the answer doesn't mean you gotta get so upset."


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