How do you fit 100 Pikachu onto a bus?
Poke 'em on!
When do you take your Pokémon to the doctor?
When it's Bulbasaur [= when its bulb is sore] or when it's Koffing!
What do you call a low fat Pokemon?
Which Pokemon can you order at an Italian restaurant?
Which Pokemon would you get if you put a parrot into a washing machine?
Polly-whirl! (Poliwhirl)
What did Pikachu say when it was playing hide'n'seek with Togepi?
What do you get when you put Ash Ketchum in a room full of 10 fighting Charizard?
Ash and 10 Charizard [ash = cinders].

Why didn't Chikorita cross the road?"
Because it was chicken.
What's Pikachu's favourite dessert?
Shock tarts!
What's Pikachu's favourite treat?
Shock-chip cookies.
What three Pokémon can count in Spanish?
The legendary birds... Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres
Who are the two most famous people in the whole world?
Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan, since they have Pokémon named after them (Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan)
Why does a Charizard have a flame on its tail?
Because it wouldn't look good with a carrier bag.
How many Slowpoke does it take to change a light bulb?
Only one. It just takes a few hours.
What does a Pokémon take for constipation?
What's do you call a whole-grain Pokémon?
What did the french fire Pokémon say when asked how he would defeat a Power Ranger?
"I'll Char 'iz zord!"
Which Pokémon came from a different planet?
What is the most disgusting Pokémon?
What do you call a Pokémon who loves street-racing?
Which Pokémon is of French origin?
Which is the grumpiest Pokémon?
What did Dorothy Gale name her Pokémon?
What's the hottest Pokémon?

Why should you never take a shower with a Pokemon?
Because they Pikachu [= peek at you].
Why did Combusken cross the road?
To prove he wasn't chicken!
Why doesn't Blastoise share?
Because it's a shellfish (selfish) Pokémon.
What Pokémon sounds like a train?
What three Pokémon are always getting hired by the Mafia?
Hitmontop, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan.
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Raichu who?
Right you are.
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Ivysaur who?
I've a sore knuckle from knocking and knocking.
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Rhydon who?
Right on time. Weren't you expecting me?
Knock knock!
Who's there?
May who?
May I come in?