A helicopter pilot was flying a helicopter in the sky when the helicopter suddenly crash-landed.
On seeing the wreckage, the pilot manager asked his pilot, "How did this happen?"
The pilot replied, "It was so cold up there that I had to turn off the fan."
What do cats put in soft drinks?Mice cubes.How does a farmer count his cattle?Using a cowculator.What do you call a duck with fangs?Count Quackula!Which is better?A cow or a bull?A cow because it gives free milk,but a bull always charges.Why did the chicken cross the football field?He heard the umpire calling fowls.Why do cows have bells?Because their horns don't work.What do you call a group of boring,spotted dogs?101 Dull-matians.Where do sheep go to get their shearing?To a baa baa shop.Why did the lion spit out the clown?Because it tasted funny!What kind of shoes does a chicken wear?Reebok bok bok bok bok bok.What kind of animals can jump Higher than the Sydney Harbour Bridge?All animals can,as the Sydney Harbour Bridge can't jump.